When selling your home, you want to make the most money you can. To do that, you generally have to sell fast. However, the kiey to selling fast is Maximum Exposure and getting the top dollar is a result of this exposure. The more people who see your home, the sooner you will find a willing buyer. How do you get the most exposure? If you sell the home yourself, you will get some exposure by putting up a sign, running several ads, and telling all your friends. On the other hand, if you work with a with me, BOB HAHN, you will get instant and massive exposure to a large number of prospective homebuyers. Here’s why:
As your realtor, I take part in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), a computerized system operated by the local Association of REALTORS®, compiles information about listed properties in the area and distributes it to member companies. As a result, when I list your home, REALTORS® from other companies learn about your home and try to match it with buyers they are working with. The buyers may include people from out-of-town who are trying to relocate to your area.
Why try to do it all yourself? Let me work for you! Not only do I take part in the MLS, I also advertise all of my listings in Welcome Homes Magazine, Harmon Homes Magazine, local cable ads and Craigslist. I have buyers, who call daily looking for specific types of properties. Why not let me lead them to your home? I am excited about selling YOUR home and ready to work for YOU! Call me and let's talk about your real estate needs! I CAN SELL YOUR HOME!!!!
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