Maybe you are not even thinking about selling your home right now. But, here are a few tips of low cost improvements that could make a difference, should you decide to sell. Keep in mind that 1st impressions are always important, so you want to make sure the entry to your home shines. As the buyer approaches the front door the last thing they want to see is an old worn door with cob webs hanging from above. Most buyers will think that if the exterior is not maintained, then there is a good chance the interior may not be much better.
The Entry WayPainting the front door or even replacing it if it is beyond paint can make a real difference. Make your entry stand out in an appealing way but painting or replacing the front door. If you have vinyl siding and you have not cleaned it in a while mildew, dirt and grime can accumulate. Spraying it down, can surprisingly make a big difference in the appearance.
Plant Some Color
By planting some flowers around the entry, you can really make your property come alive! Choose a variety of colors that really stand out and draws attention to the beauty of the outdoors. Adding a few potted plants is a nice touch as well.
Fix Up The Baths
While remodeling a bath is one of the highest returning home improvement projects it may not be in the budget at the moment. If however, you still have your gold toilets and sinks from the 70's it may be time to let go and move on the something that 99% of the population would like better. Have a gold shower too? There are lower cost alternatives to ripping out the shower. There are specially made
bath fitters that are designed to be put over a shower. New faucets are another lower cost item that can make a difference. At the moment silver/nickel is back in and brass is less popular. Changing towel ranks, toilet paper holders and shower heads are also nice touches for short money.
Paint Those WallsPainting is one of the cheapest most effective improvements you can make in your home especially if the colors are not neutral to begin with. Even if you absolutely LOVE the colors you have chosen, most buyers may not agree with you. I know what your thinking painting is cheap...the buyer can just do it themselves. Most people think this way, however, there is a large part of the population that does not have any vision. Painting your home off white or in earth tones, is the best way to go. Remember, you are trying to appeal to the masses.